The Hitlerjugend: An in-depth history
- Details
- Published: 22 January 2012 22 January 2012
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
1 - The early beginnings
- 1900-1922 - From Wandervogel to Jugendbund and Jungsturm
- 1923 - The failed Munich putsch
- 1924 - Uncertain future
- 1925 - Hitler rebuilds the NSDAP
- 1926 - The official birth of the Hitlerjugend
- 1927 - We have a plan
- 1928 - Baldur von Schirach is the new HJ leader
- 1929 - Internal power struggles for control of the HJ
- 1930 - Slow membership growth and continued political infighting
- 1931 - Von Schirach cleans house
- 1932 - Control of Germany is in sight
2 - The Hitlerjugend in times of peace
- 1933 - Jahr der "Organization" - Year of organization
- 1934 - Jahr der "Schulung" - Year of schooling
- 1935 - Jahr der "Körperlichen Ertüchtigung" - Year of bodily strengthening
- 1936 - Jahr des "Jungvolks" - Year of the "Jungvolk"
- 1937 - Jahr der "Heimbeschaffung" - Year of the home
- 1938 - Jahr der "Verständigung" - Year of understanding
- 1939 - Jahr der "Gesundheit" - Year of health
3 - The Hitlerjugend in times of war
- 1940 - Jahr der "Bewährung" - The year of trial
- 1941 - "Unser Leben ein Weg zum Führer"- Our life as a path to the Führer
- 1942 - "Osteinsatz und Landdienst" - Service in the east and on the land
- 1943 - "Kriegseinsatz der Deutschen Jugend" - War service of the German youth
- 1944 - Jahr der "Kriegsfreiwilligen" - Year of war volunteers
- 1945 - Final defeat
4 - The Hitlerjugend ghosts past 1945
5 - Organization elements of the Hitlerjugend
- The Reichsjugendführung
- HJ - Organizational structure
- Membership Growth
- BDM - Organizational structure
- Administrative and political regions
- Unit identification system
- Education and special schools
- Relations with the German Catholic and Lutheran Church
- Badges and uniforms
- Flags and pennants
- Ceremonial knives and daggers
- Kinderlandverschickung (KLV)
- Unsterbliche Gefolgschaft der Hitlerjugend (HJ martyrs)
6 - Activities offered to the Hitlerjugend
- HJ-Arzt
- HJ-Bergdienst
- HJ-Feldschere
- HJ-Flakhelfer
- HJ-Flieger
- HJ-Gebirgs
- HJ-Invalid
- HJ-Landdienst
- HJ-Luftschutz
- HJ-Marine
- HJ-Motor
- HJ-Musikzüge
- HJ-Nachrichten
- HJ-Reiter
- HJ-Schnellkommando
- HJ-Signal
- HJ-Spielschar
- HJ-Streifendienst
- HJ-Verbindungsoffizier
- Wachgefolgschaft "Baldur von Schirach"
- Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM)
- BDM-Landddienst
- Jungmädel (JM)
7 - The Hitlerjugend and the German Armed Forces
- Wehrertüchtigungslagern (WEL) - Military Education Camps
- 12th SS Panzergrenadier/Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend"
- The He-162 Volksjäger and the Hitlerjugend
8 - Opposition to the HJ movement
Sources used