Hitlerjugend: The Reichsjugendführung
- Details
- Published: 22 January 2012 22 January 2012
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
by Arvo L. Vercamer
Every organization, every enterprise, every team has its leadership organization, be it a board of company officials or a team captain. Someone always assumes a leadership position. For the HJ, it was the Reichsjugendführung (RJF), which controlled all administrative and political aspects of the HJ movement. At the head of the HJ movement was the Reichsjugendführer - the national leader of the youth movement. From 1928 to 1940, this position was held by Baldur von Schirach, from 1940 to 1945, it was held by Artur Axmann. These two were hand-picked by Adolf Hitler and they reported only to him.
The Reichsjugendführer had a personal assistant, the Reichsjugendstabsführer; this position was idential to a Chief of Staff. In addition, the Reichsreferentin BDM (she managed the all-female BDM and the JM branches) and the Stellvertretender Reichsjugendführer (deputy national youth leader) reported directly to the Reichsjugendführer.
The RJF was divided into five executive branches:
- Adolf Hitler Schulen (the Adolf Hitler Schools).
- Auslands- und Volkstumsamt (Expatriate and national office).
- Kinderlandverschickungs (KLV) (Children evacuation program)
- Kriegsbetreuungsdienst (War advisement service)
- Zentralamt der HJ (Central office of the HJ)
In addition, the following six Hauptämpte (main departments) also existed:
Hauptamt I:
- Chef (Department Chief)
- Personalamt (Personnel Department)
- Organizatsionsamt (Organization Department)
- Amt HJ Gerichtsbarkeit (Legal affairs Department)
Hauptamt II:
- Chef (Department Chief)
- Amt Wehrertüchtigung (Para-military Training Department)
-- OKW Vetreter (OKW Liaison officer)
-- HJ Verbindungsoffizier zum OKW (HJ liaison officer to OKW)
- Amt Leibesübungen (Physical training Department)
-- Chef (Department Chief)
-- Fachwart für Bergsteigen (Mountain Training Inspector)
-- Leiter der Gymnastikschule (Director of the Gymnastic School)
Hauptamt III:
- Chef (Department Chief)
- Amt für Weltanschauliche Schulung (Department for Ideological Training)
- Presse und Propagandaamt (Press and Propaganda Department)
-- Hauptstelle Jugendfilm (Youth Film Center)
-- Beauftragter für das Jugendschrifttum (Youth Literature Representative)
-- Reichsjugendpressedienst (Youth Press Service)
--- "Amtliches Nachrichtenblatt" (Official RJF Gazette)
--- "Junge Welt" (Young World)
--- "Wille und Macht" ((Will and Power)
--- "Das Junge Deutschland" (The Young Germany)
--- "Der Pimpf" (The Cub)
--- "Sport der Jugend" (Sport of the Youth)
--- "Die Junge Dorfgemeinschaft" (The Youthful Village)
-- Referent für Sozialpolitik (Social Political Representative from Hauptamt IV)
- Kulturamt (Department of Culture)
-- Chef (Department Chief)
-- Leiter für Music (Music Director)
-- Institut für NS Jugendarbeit (Nationalist Socialist Youth Work Institute)
-- Reichsjugendbücherei (National Youth Library)
Hauptamt IIII:
- Soziales Amt (Social Service Department)
-- Kommunalreferent (Public Relations Referant)
- Amt für Jugendhilfe (Youth Welfare Department)
- Amt für Gesundheit der HJ (HJ Health Department)
-- Chef (Department Chief)
-- Reichsjugendartzt (National Medical Direcor for Youths)
- Erholungswerkamt (Convalescense Department)
- Bauerntum- und Landdienstamt (Agricultural and Farm Work Depertment)
-- Beauftragter des Reichsbauernführers (National Farm Leader Representative)
Hauptamt V:
- Stabsführer (Chief of Staff)
- Bauamt (Construction Department)
- Amt für Heime und Herbergen (Youth Homes and Hostels Department)
-- Referent für Jugendwohnheime (Youth Home Referant)
-- Arbeitsausschuss Heimbeschaffung (Youth Hostel and Housing Comission)
Hauptamt VI:
- Chef (Department Chief)
- Rechtsverwaltungsamt (Legal Administration Department)
- Wirtschaftsamt (Economic Administration Department)
-- Reichskassenverwaltungsamt (National HJ Treasury Department)
- Inspektionsdienststelle (Inspector Offices)
-- Reichsinspekteur der Flieger-HJ (HJ-Aviation Inspector General)
-- Reichsinspekteur der Marine-HJ (HJ-Naval Inspector General)
-- Reichsinspekteur für Vormilitärische Ausbildung (Inspector general for pre-military training)