Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber Serbien was formed following an order from 2 February 1942 with effect 1 March 1942. The three-pronged military command structure in Serbia, made up of the Befehlshaber Serbien, the Kommandierender General Höheres Kommando z.vb.V. LXV and the Bevollmächtigter Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber Serbien, was consolidated into the single office of this new HQ [Commanding General and Military Commander in Serbia].
On 20 August 1943 the HQ was divided into XXI. Gebirgskorps and the new regional highest command, called Militärbefehlshaber Südost.


General der Artillerie Paul Bader (2 Nov 1941 - 13 Aug 1943)

Sources used

Research by Shawn Bohannon

Reference Material on this unit

- None known at this time -