The Bevollmächtigter Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber Serbien was formed per 16 September 1941. For the short time period until December 1941 the staff of XVIII. Gebirgskorps was ordered to carry out the duties of this new command. Basically the Plenipotentiory commanding general [called also Militärischer Befehlshaber Serbien ; = Kommandostab Serbien] was installed as the superior HQ to all existing staffs in Serbia. After General Böhme and his staff were transferred to Germany and then to Finland in December 1941 the commanding general of Höheres Kommando z.b.V. LXV, General Bader, simultaneously took over the duties of the Bev. K.G. In order to have a single HQ only in the region the staff was redesignated Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber Serbien in March 1942.


General der Gebirgstruppe Franz Böhme (16 Sep 1941 – 2 Dec 1941)
General der Artillerie Paul Bader (2 Dec 1941 – 1 Mar 1942)

Chief of Staff

Oberst i.G. Max Pemsel (16 Sep 1941 – 2 Dec 1941)

Sources used

Research by Shawn Bohannon

Reference Material on this unit

- None known at this time -