
The 169. Infanterie-Division was formed in November 1939 and served in Finland and Norway from June 1941 until April 1945 when it was transferred to Germany.


Generalleutnant Philipp Müller-Gebhard (28 Nov 1939 - 1 Dec 1939)
Generalleutnant Heinrich Kirchheim (1 Dec 1939 - 1 Feb 1941)
Generalleutnant Kurt Dittmar (1 Feb 1941 - 29 Sep 1941)
General der Artillerie Hermann Tittel (29 Sep 1941 - 22 June 1943)
Generalleutnant Georg Radziej (22 June 1943 - 8 May 1945)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Major Herbert Deinhardt (5 Jan 1940-15 Jul 1940)
Major Hans Friedrich Behle (15 Jul 1940-20 Aug 1941)
Oberstleutnant Helmut Siemoneit (20 Aug 1941-15 Aug 1944)
Oberstleutnant Helmut Schuon (25 Aug 1944-1945)

Area of operations

Germany (Nov 1939 - May 1940)
France (May 1940 - June 1941)
Norway & Finland (June 1941 - Nov 1944)
Norway (Nov 1944 - Apr 1945)
Eastern Germany (Apr 1945 - May 1945)


Elchkopf (Moose Head)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (2)
- Bauer, Adam, 15.08.1944 (3680), Obergefreiter, Gruppenführer i. d. 9./Gren.Rgt. 378
- Bühle, [first name not listed], 09.07.1941 (82), Unteroffizier, Pi.Zug/Inf.Rgt. 379
- attached :
- Pz.Abt. 211 / XXXVI. (36.) Geb.AK :
- Büttner, [first name not listed], 12.07.1941 (107), Leutnant, Pz.Abt. 211
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (30)
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (2)
- Kümmel, Otto, 17.09.1943, Oberfeldwebel, 5./Gren.Rgt. 378
- Metzen, Jakob, 27.04.1944, Hauptmann, II./Gren.Rgt. 379
Holders of the Knight's Cross (8, including one unofficial/unconfirmed)
- Bleyer, Eugen-Heinrich 14.12.1941 Oberstleutnant Kdr Inf.Rgt 379
- Einem von, gen. von Rothmaler, Friedrich-Wilhelm 04.12.1942 Leutnant d.R. VB i. d. I./Art.Rgt 230
- Höhle, Karl 11.03.1945 Major d.R. Kdr III./Gren.Rgt 378
- Hülst von, Hans-Franz Dr.rer.pol. 09.02.1943 Major d.R. Führer Gren.Rgt 378
- Krenzer, Hermann 14.12.1941 Oberleutnant d.R. Chef 2./Inf.Rgt 379
- Meiswinkel, Heinrich 05.03.1945 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 1./Gren.Rgt 392
- Radziej, Georg 09.05.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 169. Inf.Div
-- [proposal arrived at HPA via Fernschreiben (text message) on 20.04.1945 without detailed report of the KC deed ; it is unknown if the report was sent at a later time, as a fact nothing is existing ; award without any such files is not to proof ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]
- Schack, Friedrich-August 24.07.1941 Oberst Kdr Inf.Rgt 392
Holders of the Finnish Order of the Cross of Liberty, 1st Class with Swords (3)
-  Dittmar, Kurt, 26.10.1941, Generalmajor, Kdr. 169. Inf.Div.
- Radziej, Georg, 30.06.1943, Generalmajor, Kdr. 169. Inf.Div.
- Tittel, Hermann, 07.05.1942, Generalleutnant, Kdr. 169. Inf.Div.

Order of battle (1939)

Infanterie-Regiment 378
Infanterie-Regiment 379
leichte Artillerie-Abteilung 230

Order of battle (1940)

Infanterie-Regiment 378
Infanterie-Regiment 379
Infanterie-Regiment 392
Artillerie-Regiment 230
Divisionseinheiten 230

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -