The command of Mil.Befh. im GG with headquarter in Krakau existed already since 13 September 1939, when the small staff of Militärbefehlshaber Krakau was established by WK VIII. On 21 July 1940 the duties of the Oberbefehlshaber Ost (Oberost) were overtaken by the now called Militärbefehlshaber and thereby the character of the office to be a constant one was clearly shown. When the GG formally received the status of a Wehrkreis (= a stellvertretendes Generalkommando) in summer 1942 the staff was renamed Wehrkreisbefehlshaber im GG on 15 July 1942.

Commander (Militärbefehlshaber)

General der Kavallerie z.V. Curt Ludwig Freiherr von Gienanth (21 July 1940 – 15 July 1942)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the German Cross in Silver (1)
Gienanth, Curt Ludwig Freiherr von, 30.06.1943, General der Kavallerie z.V., Militärbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement



General der Polizei Kurt Daluege, Governor-General Hans Frank and Curt Ludwig Freiherr von Gienanth in Krakow 1939
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

Sources used

Research by Bernd R

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -