
The 302. Infanterie-Division was formed in Pomerania in November 1940 from parts of 75. Infanterie-Division and 292. Infanterie-Division.
On 19 August 1942 the Dieppe Raid (Operation Jubilee) was launched and some six thousand Allied soldiers, mainly from the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division under Major General J. H. Roberts with additions from British Commando units, landed at Dieppe to seize and hold the port of a short period of time and to test the coastal defences and the feasible of such landings. The 302. Infanterie-Division defended Dieppe and the area around the town at the time and was strengthened by Panzer-Kompanie 81. The Allied attack was a failure and a total of 3.626 of the Allied soldiers who landed on the shores were captured, wounded or killed compared to the German ground forces that lost 311 killed and 280 wounded.

In March 1944 the surviving elements of 125. Infanterie-Division were attached as Divisions-Gruppe 125. It was destroyed on the Eastern front in August 1944, the surviving elements were used to strengthen 76. Infanterie-Division and reform 15. Infanterie-Division.


Generalleutnant Konrad Haase (15 Nov 1940 - 26 Nov 1942)
Generalleutnant Otto Elfeldt (26 Nov 1942 - 12 Nov 1943)
Generalleutnant Dr. Karl Rüdiger (12 Nov 1943 - 25 Jan 1944)
Generalleutnant Erich von Bogen (25 Jan 1944 - 25 Aug 1944)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Oberstleutnant Dr. Erich Wilke (Dec 1940-?)
Oberstleutnant Sartorius (1 Mar 1942-?)
Oberstleutnant Otto Mitlacher (15 Jul 1943-5 Mar 1944)
Oberstleutnant Hermann Adam (5 Mar 1944-25 Aug 1944)

Area of operations

Germany & France (Nov 1940 - Jan 1943)
Eastern front, southern sector (Jan 1943 - Aug 1944)



Order of Battle (Nov 1940)

Infanterie–Regiment 570
Infanterie–Regiment 571
Infanterie–Regiment 572
Artillerie–Regiment 302
Panzerjäger–Abteilung 302
Pionier–Bataillon 302
Nachrichten–Kompanie 302
Inf.Div.Nachschubführer 302
Sanitäts-Kompanie 302 (besp.)
Krankenkraftwagenzug 302

new / development :
Pz.Jäg.Abt 302 renamed -> Schnelle Abteilung 302 winter 1942/43
Radfahr-Abteilung 302 formed winter 1942/43
Nachr.Kp 302 upsized Nachrichten-Abteilung july 1942
Inf.Div.Nachschubführer renamed Kdr der Inf.Div.Nachschubtruppen [in general oct 1942]

Order of Battle (Jan 1943)

Infanterie–Regiment 570
Infanterie–Regiment 571
Infanterie–Regiment 572
Artillerie–Regiment 302
Schnelle Abteilung 302
Radfahr-Abteilung 302
Pionier-Bataillon 302
Nachrichten-Abeilung 302
Kommandeur der Inf.Div.Nachschubtruppen 302
Sanitäts-Kompanie 302 (besp.)
Krankenkraftwagenzug 302

new / development :
Divisions-Gruppe 125 formed from remnants of 125. ID and attached to 302. ID in march 1944 ;
GR 571 therefore disbanded (personell distributed to other two rgts and division)
Radf.Abt 302 disbanded summer 1943
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 302 formed dec 1943
Feldersatz-Bataillon 302 formed 1943

Order of Battle (Mar 1944)

Grenadier–Regiment 570
Grenadier–Regiment 572
Divisions-Gruppe 125
- Regiments-Gruppe 420
- Regiments-Gruppe 421
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 302
Artillerie – Regiment 302
Schnelle Abteilung 302
Pionier – Bataillon 302
Feldersatz – Bataillon 302
Nachrichten-Abeilung 302
Kommandeur der Inf.Div.Nachschubtruppen 302
Sanitätskompanie 302 (besp.)
Krankenkraftwagenzug 302

A machine-gun unit at the time of the Dieppe landings
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

German soldiers inspecting a Daimler "Dingo" Scout Car captured during the fighting at Dieppe
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)

Allied prisoners of war in the Dieppe harbor
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)  

Sources used

Thomas L. Jentz & Werner Regenberg - Panzer Tracts No. 19-1: Beute-Panzerkampfwagen
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

Emil Kilgast - Rückblick auf die Geschichte der 302. Infanterie-Division