29. Infantry division was formed 12 April 1944 for 1. Corps. Stationed in Vranja, Yugoslavia. Consisted of 3rd, 36-th and 42-nd regiment, one artillery batallion. On 08 September 1944 began to withdraw to Bulgaria. Demobilised 07 October 1944.


Col. Ivan Popov (May 1944)

Order of battle

36th Kozloduy infantry regiment
   Mobilised 1941, sent to the Screening Front against Turkey, near Elhovo
   In 1944 part of 29th division.
   On 17.09.1944 relocated to 2nd Infantry division
   Participated in the first pahse of the 1944 war against the Axis.
     Col. PAvel Panov (1944)
42nd Infantry regiment
   Mobilised in 1941 and 1943 the regiment is mobilised and sent to the Southwest
   24 Sep 1944 - again mobilised and participates in the both phases of the 1944-1945 war against the Axis.
     Lt.-Col. Ivan Shulekov. (1944)

Sources used

Research by Dimitar Boykov
George F. Nafziger - Bulgarian Order of Battle in World War II

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -