(Polizeiverordnung über die Konnzeichnung der Juden)
Gist of the law: Forcing all Jews over 6 years of age to wear the Star of David.
Document Number: 2877-PS
Date: 1 Sep 1941
Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.547
Signed by: Heydrich



Police decree concerning the "marking" of the Jews of September 1, 1941.

Based upon the decree relating to the police decrees of the Reich minister of November 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt I S 1582) and the decree concerning the legislative power in the Protector-ate Bohemia and Moravia of June 7, 1939 (Reichsgesetzblatt I S I039) it is ordered hereby in agreement with the "Reichsprotektor" in Bohemia and Moravia as follows :

Section 1
1. Jews (Section 5 of the first decree to the Reich citizen law of November 1935—Reichsgesetzblatt I, S 1333) who finished the sixth year of their age are prohibited to appear in public without a Jewish star.
2. The Jewish star consists of a "Six Star" with black contours in the size of the palm of the hand of yellow material with the black inscription "Jew". It has to be worn on the left side of the chest of the clothing tightly sewed on.

Section 2
Jews are forbidden
a. to leave the boundary of their residential district without carrying a written permission of the local police authority.
b. to wear medals, decorations, and other badges.

Section 3
The sections 1 and 2 will not apply
a. to the Jewish spouse living in a mixed marriage, as far as descendants of the marriage are existent and these are not considered as Jews, and even then, if the marriage does not exist anymore or the only son has been killed in the present war.
b. to the Jewish wife of a childless mixed marriage for the duration of the marriage.

Section 4
1. Who contravenes against the prohibition of Sections 1 and 2, deliberately or carelessly, will be punished with a penalty up to 150 Reichsmark or with imprisonment up to six weeks.
2. Further reaching police security measures and also penal provisions, according to which a higher penalty is incurred, remain effective.

Section 5
The police decree is also effective in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia with the provision that the Reichsprotektor in Bohemia and Moravia may adopt the instruction of section 2 to the local conditions in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia.



Section 6

The police decree will be effective 14 days after its promulgation.

Berlin, September 1, 1941

The Reich Minister of the Interior
by order Heydrich