Fifth decree to law relating to the Reich citizenship
- Details
- Published: 01 May 2010 01 May 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Gist of the law: Revoking admission of Jewish lawyers.
Document Number: 2874-PS
Date: 27 Sep 1938
Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.1403
Signed by: Hitler, Günther, Frick,Hess
Fifth Decree to the law relating to the Reich Citizenship of 27 September 1938.
Article I.
Elimination of the Jews from the Bar (Attorneyship).
Section 1.
Jews are excluded from the profession of a lawyer. In as much as Jews are still lawyers they are to be eliminated from the bar pursuant to the following provisions :
Old Reich
a. Within the Territory :
The admission of Jewish lawyers to the bar is to be discontinued as from 10 November 1938.
b. Within the country of Austria :
1. On order of the Reich-Minister of Justice Jewish lawyers have to be taken off the roster of lawyers until 31 December 1938 at the latest.
2. Jews, however, who are entered on the roster of the Chamber of Lawyers [Reichs-anwaltskammer i.e. Bar Association] in Vienna, whose family has been resident in Austria at least 50 years and which, have been fighting in the front-line may be exempted from the deletion for the time being. In this case the movement of deletion will be determined by the Minister of Justice.
3. The Reich Minister of Justice may forbid a lawyer to exercise his profession .for the time being, until it will be decided, whether a deletion from the roster of lawyers will be effected.
Signatories :
The Fuehrer and Reich-Chancellor,
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of Justice
Dr. Guertner
The Reich Minister of Interior
The Deputy, of the Fuehrer
R. Hess
The Reich Minister of Finance
(in the name of Reinhardt)