Fourth decree on the Citizenship Law
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- Published: 01 May 2010 01 May 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Gist of the law: Revoking licenses of Jewish physicians.
Document Number: 2872-PS
Date: 25 July 1938
Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: I.969
Signed by: Frick
4th Decree relative to the Reich Citizen Law of 25 July 1938.
By virtue of Section 3 of the Reich Citizen Law of 15 Sept, 1935, (RGBI. I. p. 1146), the following is ordered :
Section I.
Appointment approvals of Jewish physicians expire on Sept. 30, 1938.
Section II.
The Reich Minister of the Interior or the Authority appointed by him, may authorize, on the recommendation of the Reich Chamber of Physicians [Reichsarstekammer] — the practice of medicine physicians until further notice whose appointment has expired by virtue of Section I. The permission may be granted by imposing taxes.
Section III.
1. Jews, whose appointment approval has expired and who have not received an authorization, by virtue of Section II, are forbidden to practice medicine.
2. A Jew who has received an authorization by virtue of Section II must, with the exception of his wife and legitimate children, only treat Jews.
3. Whoever violates the regulations of Subsection I or II, either deliberately or carelessly, will be sentenced to one year of prison and a fine, or to either one of those punishments.
Section IV.
A Jew cannot be licensed as a physician.
Section V.
1. Physicians, whose appointment expired, according to the regulations of this decree, may be given, revocable at any time, a maintenance subsidy by the chamber of Reich physicians, in the case of want and worthiness, if they have been frontline soldiers. * * *
2. The chamber of Reich-physicians will decide upon further details in agreement with the Reich-Minister of the Interior and the Reich Minister of Finance.
Bayreuth July 25, 1938.
The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reich Minister of the Interior
The Deputy of the Fuehrer
R. Hess
The Reich-Minister of Justice
Dr. Guertner.
The Reich-Minister of Finance
by order : Reinhardt.