Law changing the Regulations in regard to Public Officers
- Details
- Published: 01 May 2010 01 May 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Document Number: 1400-PS
Date: 30 June 1933
Reichsgesetzblatt-Page: ?
Signed by: Hitler, Frick, Schwerin von Krosigk
Law Changing the Regulations in regard to Public Officers, June 30, 1933
Chapter 2
Article la
1. Only such persons may be appointed Reich officials who possess for their career the prescribed education or customary training or who have special qualifications for the office about to be given, and who guarantee that they will support the Reich at all times without reservation.
2. Women may only be appointed Reich officials for life when they have completed the 35th year.
3. Anyone of non-Aryan descent, or married to a person of non-Aryan descent, may not be appointed a Reich official. Reich officials of Aryan descent who marry a person of non-Aryan de-scent are to be discharged. The question of who is of non-Aryan descent is to be decided by regulations decreed by the Reich Minister of the Interior.
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4. If urgent requirements of the administration so necessitate, the highest Reich officials may make exceptions in individual cases —exceptions from the provisions of (2) with the approval of the Reich Minister of Finance, exceptions from the provisions of (3) with the approval of the Reich Minister of the Interior.
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Article 6
1. The provisions are also to be applied to the civil service regulations of the states, local communities, and of the other bodies, institutions, and foundations of public law * * *.
2. The German State Railways, the Reichsbank, the public-legal religious societies, and the confederations are empowered to issue similar regulations.
Chapter 3
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Article 7
2. When the economic status of a female official appears to be permanently secured because of a family income, the officials * * * may order a dismissal. The conditions for dismissal are always present when the husband is a permanent official not subject to dismissal.
Chapter 8
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Article 40
1. The states and the bodies of public law not supervised by the states are empowered and compelled to lower the incomes of their officials insofar as they are higher than the incomes of Reich officials of equal rank. The Reich ministers and the Reich chancellor are to be considered as Reich officials within the scope of this I chapter. Sentence 1 is not applicable to university teachers; for them the special rules of Section 44 apply. Similarly, the Reich Government or the state governments may make different rules in other cases in which the scholarly or artistic significance of an office requires a special evaluation.
2. The local communes, and the other bodies of public law which are under the supervision of the state officials are empowered and I obligated to reduce the salaries of their officials, insofar as they are higher than the salaries of state officials, of corresponding rank.
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Article 44
1. The state governments are empowered to alter or annul the assurances given to university professors before this chapter be-came effective. They are not bound hereby to agreements, compromises, legal judgments or arbitration decisions.
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Chapter 13
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Article 77
1. Insofar as the execution of the provisions of this law requires it, deviations from the Reich constitution and from the state constitutions are permissible.
Berlin, 30 June 1933
The Reichschancellor
Adolf Hitler
The Reichsminister for Finance
Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
The Reichsminister of the Interior