Last Days of the Reich: The Diary of Count Folke Bernadotte
Count Folke Bernadotte

This is new edition with additional preface from his two sons and an introduction (penned by Sune Persson) dealing with Bernadotte’s wartime exploits and post war assignation by the Lehi terrorist group.

Bernadotte was instrumental in the release of thousands of camp inmates as the war entered its final throes and the famous white buses. However after the war controversy raged over his exact involvement.

Himmler asked Bernadotte to convey to the approaching western allies, Germanys willingness to surrender to them, whilst continuing to fight against the advancing Russians. This overture was rejected and the war in Europe came to its natural conclusion.

This diary brings the reader to the centre of these events and one in which the author is able to convey his wishes and worries as the centre of Europe both exploded into the joy of the war ending, and the corresponding chaos that ensued.

(Reviewed by Andy H)
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.

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