Review: Das Bandenkampfabzeichen
- Details
- Published: 28 April 2010 28 April 2010
- Last Updated: 12 July 2013 12 July 2013

Rolf Michaelis

Michaelis' book about the Bandenkampfabzeichen describes the historical background and the awarding of the badge. The book does not mention anything about the different fakes that exists of the badge.
Michaelis starts with describing the partisan warfare and the different partisan movements in the occupied countries. Then the introduction of the badge is explained, its grades and the criterions to be awarded it. In between are pictures of various badges and award documents.
Short stories from German soldiers about their partisan warfare experience are weaved into the text wich makes the book more alive.
Comparing this book to the one from 1998:
The text is exactly the same, though the foreword has been changed a tiny bit.
The pictures are much better now, but some have been removed since the 1998 version (this reprint got seven fever pages). The pictures of the badges are unfortunately a bit too small to see any details.
The price is about 17.50 EUR and that's a fair price to get this book into your militaria library. If you want a book that also covers some of the fakes, got larger pictures and more information - buy Patzwall's book (same title) for about 24 EUR.
(Reviewed by Stefan)
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.