The SS-Brigadeführer 1933–1945
Michael D. Miller & Andreas Schulz

This CD includes a document (Microsoft Word) with biographical information on all the men who held the rank of SS-Brigadeführer in either the Waffen-SS or the Allgemeine-SS.

The biographical information on each individual is divided into these parts: Date of birth & death, NSDAP-number, SS-number, Promotions and finally Awards & Decorations as you can see in the example below on Otto Abetz.

Abetz, Otto
SS-Brigadeführer / Botschafter / HJ-Gebietsführer
* 26.03.1903 in Schwetzingen / Mannheim.
+ 05.05.1958 near Langenfeld bei Dortmund (in a one-car accident on the Köln-Ruhr Autobahn [allegedly engineered by a Jewish “vengeance squad”]).
NSDAP-Nr. (Entrance Date)
7 011 453 (00.00.1938 m.W.v. 01.05.1937)
SS-Nr. (Entrance Date)
253 314 (01.08.1935)

31.07.1934 HJ-Unterbannführer
01.08.1935 SS-Mann
01.08.1935 SS-Oberscharführer
13.09.1936 SS-Untersturmführer
20.04.1938 SS-Obersturmführer
21.12.1938 SS-Hauptsturmführer
30.01.1939 SS-Sturmbannführer
20.04.1939 SS-Obersturmbannführer
06.04.1940 Gesandter (as title of office held, not as a rank)
05.08.1940 Botschafter
09.11.1940 SS-Standartenführer
30.01.1941 SS-Oberführer
30.01.1941 HJ-Gebietsführer (m.W.v. 04.08.1940)
30.01.1942 SS-Brigadeführer

Decorations & Awards
00.0.194_  Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse ohne Schwerter
00.0.194_  Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse ohne Schwerter
00.00.19__ Spange “Prager Burg” zur Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
00.00.19__ Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
00.00.19__ Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938
ca. 1936   Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen I. Klasse
[30.01.1942] Ehrendegen des Reichsführers-SS
00.00.194_ Totenkopfring der SS
00.00.19__ SS-Zivilabzeichen Nr. 138 594
00.00.19__ Julleuchter der SS
00.00.19__ Order of Mauritius 1st Class (Italy)
00.00.19__ Grand Cross of Isabella (Spain)
00.00.19__ Order of the Holy Treasure 1st Class (Japan)

The biographies are as you can see very detailed when it comes to the promotions and the awards, so they are definitely of great use to anyone have an interest in the SS and in particular those who have the need for such details in their research.

Apart from the biographical information, the CD also includes a glossary of awards and one of the military & political terms used, a bibliography and information on the development of the SS ranks.

Personally I'm one of those who prefer to have my reference material in books rather than on CDs, but it is of course a matter of personal opinion and it is naturally possible to print these pages.

It would have been nice to see at least small photos of the individuals included as well as some information on their lives after the war.

This CD can be ordered directly from the author who can be reached at

(Reviewed by Marcus Wendel)
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.