Review: Luftwaffe Advanced Aircraft Projects to 1945, Vol 2
- Details
- Published: 17 April 2010 17 April 2010
- Last Updated: 12 July 2013 12 July 2013
Volume 2: Fighters & Ground-Attack Aircraft, Lippisch to Zeppelin
Ingolf Meyer

The author, Ingolf Meyer, was the illustrator in the “Luftwaffe Secret Projects” series that was released a decade or so ago and here he returns to familiar ground with even more aircraft to cover.
This is the second volume in this series of the Luftwaffe secret projects and experimental aircraft and it covers the fighter, night-fighter and ground-attack aircraft from Lippisch through to Zeppelin and two additional volumes in the series are planned.
The 176 page book contains a colour illustration and three view drawings together with a brief text on each aircraft with one page for each aircraft, it also has some details on dimensions and armaments were known. The illustrations are well made and the three view drawings are great additions that no doubt will be very useful to those who plan to make models or illustrations of the aircraft.
This is a “picture book” rather than a “text book” and it does not contain any detailed texts about the individual aircrafts.
The manufacturers covered in this volume are:
Horten (despite the fact that the letter H was covered in the first volume)
Von Braun
If you are fascinated by the Luftwaffe projects that might have been, this is a very good book for you, especially if you are looking for illustrations of the aircraft.
(Reviewed by Marcus Wendel)
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.