Review: German Racing Silver
- Details
- Published: 06 February 2011 06 February 2011
- Last Updated: 12 July 2013 12 July 2013

Karl Ludvigsen

This book covers the history of German motor racing from the earliest steps in the last years of the 19th century until the early years of the 21th century. It is one in a series of four books named after the color associated by the nation in classic motor racing, German silver (not totally accurate as it was originally white), French blue, Italian red and British green.
The book is mainly a photo book with tons of high quality photos and illustrations throughout but it also contains well researched text by motor author Karl Ludvigsen.
As noted earlier this book covers 100+ years of German racing and some 35+ pages focus on the Third Reich era divided up into four chapters:
Birth of the silver arrows
750 kilogram years
Adler to Zoller
Despotic domination
These chapters include coverage of the attempts by the Nazi regime to control the motor racing and the activities of the Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK).
I recommend this book to anyone interested in German racing history, it does not focus on the 1933-1945 era in particular but it still goes in to considerable detail while at the same time giving the reader a good idea about what came before and after. The photos and illustrations are of the highest quality so this book is a joy simply to browse through as well.
(Reviewed by Marcus Wendel)
Thanks to the publisher for the review copy.