Bookstore - Weimar Republic
- Details
- Published: 17 April 2010 17 April 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
- David Abraham - The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis
- Paul Bookbinder - Weimar Germany: The Republic of the Reasonable
- Martin Broszat - Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany
- Pierre Broué - The German Revolution 1917-1923
- Conan Fischer - The Ruhr Crisis 1923-1924
- Otto Friedrich - Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s
- Bruce B. Frye - Liberal Democrats in the Weimar Republic: The History of the German Democratic Party and the German State Party
- John Hiden - Republican and Fascist Germany: Themes and Variations in the History of Weimar and the Third Reich 1918-1945
- J. W. Hiden - The Weimar Republic
- Nigel Jones - A Brief History of the Birth of the Nazis: How the Freikorps Blazed the Trail for Hitler
- Anton Kaes, Martin Jay & Edward Dimendberg - The Weimar Republic Sourcebook
- Hans Mommsen - The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy
- A. J. Nicholls - Weimar and the Rise of Hitler
- William L. Patch - The Christian Trade Unions in the Weimar Republic: The Failure of Corporate Pluralism
- Detlev J. K. Peukert - The Weimar Republic: The Crisis of Classical Modernity
- T. Hunt Tooley - National Identity and Weimar Germany: Upper Silesia and the Eastern Border 1918-1922
- C. Paul Vincent & Harry Ritter - A Historical Dictionary of Germany's Weimar Republic
- Janet Ward - Weimar Surfaces: Urban Visual Culture in 1920s Germany
See also the Freikorps section.