Bookstore - Adolf Hitler
- Details
- Published: 15 April 2010 15 April 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
- Rudolph Binion - Hitler Among the Germans
- Alan Bullock - Hitler: A Study in Tyranny
- Alan Bullock - Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
- Eugene Davidson - The Making of Adolf Hitler: The Birth and Rise of Nazism
- Eugene Davidson - The Unmaking of Adolf Hitler
- Theodore L. Dorpat - Wounded Monster: Hitler's Path from Trauma to Malevolence
- Henrik Eberle & Matthias Uhl - The Hitler Book: The Secret Dossier Prepared For Stalin From The Interrogations of Hitler's Personal Aides
- Joachim C. Fest - Hitler
- Sebastian Haffner - The Meaning of Hitler
- Brigitte Hamann - Hitler's Vienna: A Dictator's Apprenticeship
- Ronald Hayman - Hitler & Geli
- Konrad Heiden - The Führer: Hitler's Rise to Power
- Leonard L. Heston & Renate Heston - The Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler
- Adolf Hitler - Hitler's Table Talk
- Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
- David Irving - Hitler's War and the War Path
- J. Sydney Jones - Hitler in Vienna: 1907-1913 Clues to the Future
- Eberhard Jäckel - Hitler's World View: A Blueprint for Power
- Ian Kershaw - Hitler: 1889-1936 - Hubris
- Ian Kershaw - Hitler: 1937-1945 - Nemesis
- Joachim Kohler - Wagner's Hitler: The Prophet and His Disciple
- Lothar Machtan - The Hidden Hitler
- Donald M. McKale - Hitler: The Survival Myth
- David Nicholls - Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion
- Ada Petrova & Peter Watson - The Death of Hitler: The Full Story With New Evidence from Secret Russian Archives
- Ron Rosenbaum - Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil
- Percy Ernst Schramm - Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader
- Frederic Spotts - Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics
- Joseph Peter Stern - Hitler: The Führer and the People
- John Toland - Adolf Hitler
- Hugh Trevor-Roper - The Last Days of Hitler
- V. K. Vinogradov, J. F. Pogonyi & N. V. Teptzov - Hitler's Death: Russia's Last Great Secret from the Files of the KGB
- Robert George Leeson Waite - The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler
- David Welch - Hitler: Profile of a Dictator
- Cris Whetton - Hiter's fortune