Bookstore - Uniforms
- Details
- Published: 15 April 2010 15 April 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
- John R. Angolia & Adolf Schlicht - Uniforms & Traditions of the Luftwaffe Vol 1
- Michael D. Beaver & J.F. Borsarello - Camouflage Uniforms of the Waffen-SS: A Photographic Reference
- Michael D. Beaver - Uniforms of the Waffen-SS: Black Service Uniform, LAH Guard Uniform, SS Earth-Grey Service Uniform, Model 1936 Field Service Uniform, 1939-1941
- Michael D. Beaver - Uniforms of the Waffen-SS: Sports and Drill Uniforms 'Black Panzer Uniforms'
- Michael D. Beaver - Uniforms of the Waffen-SS: 1942-1945 Ski Uniforms, Overcoats
- Jean-Philippe Borg - Feldbluse: The German Army Field Tunic 1933-45
- Jeff Clark - Uniforms of the NSDAP: Uniforms, Headgear and Insignia of the Nazi Party
- Timothy J. Curley & Neil G. Stewart - Waffenrock: Parade Uniforms of the German Army
- Robert J. Jr. Edwards & Michael H. Pruett - Field Uniforms of Germany's Panzer Elite
- Chris Ellis - A Collector's Guide to the History and Uniforms of Das Heer: The German Army 1933-45
- Arthur Hayes - SS Uniforms, Insignia and Accoutrements: A Study in Photographs
- Jorg M. Hormann - Uniforms of the Infantry Troops: 1917 to the Present
- Jorg M. Hormann - Uniforms of the Panzer Troops: 1917 to the Present
- Wade Krawczyk - Army Panzer Uniforms in Colour Photographs
- Wade Krawczyk - The Panzer Soldier
- Wade Krawczyk & Peter V. Lukacs - Waffen SS Uniforms and Insignia
- Robin Lumsden - Collector's Guide to the Waffen-SS
- Mick J. Prodger - Luftwaffe vs. RAF: Flying Clothing of the Air War 1939-45