by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 1941 in Duvno/75 km NW of Mostar in Hercegovina.

Operational History

25 Sep 42: men from the Detachment together with troops from the Ustasha Black Legion (from V Ustasha Brigade) carried out a clearing operation against Partisan concentrations in the Duvno area.
3 Jan 45: the Detachment (in some evolving form) was still in existence and referred to in Croatian MINORS documents as “Ustaska obranbena bojna ‘Tomislav’” (Ustasha Defense Battalion “Tomislav”). It was located in and around Tomislav-grad, which today is called Duvno. (1)


1. [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/37, p.713; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945 (Belgrade, 1964), p.338.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -