by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed late June 1941 in Borač, a community lying along the Naretva River 13 km southeast of Konjić in the Sarajevo area. The Detachment was raised to defend the community against Chetnik attacks and was initially commanded by a Croatian Gendarmerie sergeant. (1)

Operational History

28-29 Sep 41: together with some Domobran units, attacked and dispersed Partisan forces that were concentrating for an attack on Kalinovik/30 km east of Borač.
4 Jan 42: several hundred militia from Borač, together with accompanying Gendarmerie and Ustasha, captured and burned the Serbian villages of Bodežište and Vratlo, both located near Gacko.
17 Apr 42: 2,000 Partisans from 8 different formations attacked Borač, which was defended by 1,300 militia, Gendarmerie and Ustasha, and took it after a two-day fight that forced the defenders to withdraw to Nevesinje. There is no further mention of the Detachment after this date and presumably it was disbanded.


1. Vrančić, Vjekoslav - Postrojenje i Brojčano Stanje Hrvatskih Oružanih Snaga u Godinama 1941-1945, in: Godišnjak hrvatsko domobrana 1953 (Buenos Aires: 1953); [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945 (Belgrade, 1964), pp.102, 191 and 247.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -