Domdo Battalion Husko Miljković (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 19 February 2013 19 February 2013
- Last Updated: 19 February 2013 19 February 2013
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed April 1943 in Cazin (25 km N of Bihać) from a small band of Moslem defectors under Husko Miljković who, until then, had fought on the Partisan side against the Ustasha and Chetniks. Initiallyattached to the Croatian 11th Infantry Rgt., the band distinguished itself in the defense of Velika Kladuša during May and June 1943. By early September, Husko's formation had increased to a strength of four companies with 300 men. In a meeting with Ustasha officials in Cazin on 28 November, it was agreed that the Ustasha would provide sufficient weapons and equipment to expand the formation into a brigade of possibly 5,000 men, although this was not. to occur. In December Husko and his battalion fought with the German 373. Inf.Div. (kroat.) in the Cazin area during Operation "Panther", taking numerous casualties. Interested only in protecting the Moslem communities in and around Cazin, Husko and his troops re-defected to the Partisans at the end of January 1944 on learning that theCroatians planned to withdraw their regular army units from the area, thereby leaving Cazin undefended. The Partisans used Husko's men as cadre for the lst and 2d Moslem Brigades, which began forming in February 1944. Some months later, according to at least one account, Husko and a few of his followers switched back to the Croatian side once again. (1)
1. NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 554/1289; roll 558/464-629; roll 559/501-05; roll 560/630-32; roll 561/242; roll 562/006; roll 563/1079.
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -