Domdo Battalion Gacko (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 19 February 2013 19 February 2013
- Last Updated: 19 February 2013 19 February 2013
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed 1941 in Gacko/90 km E of Mostar in Hercegovina, although initially as a Detachment or Company. (1)
Operational History
5-6 Apr 43: Battalion elements were overrun while defending Kula Fazlagić against an attack by two Partisan brigades, losing 200 rifles to the enemy.
May 43: in Gacko with 4 companies.
1 Sep 43: Gacko under Croatian III Corps - the Battalion was in action near Gacko this date with elements of the German 7. SS-Freiw.Geb.Div. “Prinz Eugen” against the Partisan 10th Hercegovina NOU Brigade, which took Gacko on 10 September. The town was retaken by German and Croatian forces on 21 September.
20 Nov 43: elements of the Battalion were driven out of the village of Kula Fazlagić by the 10th Hercegovina NOU Brigade and forced to withdraw to Nevesinje.
1 Dec 43: Battalion in Gacko with 1st – 7th Co. and tactically under the Croatian 6th Division.
1 Apr 44: Gacko in a total strength of 532 - renamed III Bn./9th Garrison Brigade on or about this date.
Satnik Safet Fazlagić (? - 1 Apr 1944) Nov 1943
1. [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom IV/20, p.817 and IV/25, p.817; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945 (Belgrade, 1964), p.453, 543-44 and 597; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-821 roll 448/682).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -