(IV. samovozna bojna)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed early 1942, probably in Zagreb and/or Karlovac, with a HQ, 1st Motor Transport Co., 2d Motor Transport Co. and a light Tank Co. (1)

15 May 42: located in Vojnić in the Kordun region and had provided motor transport support during Phase III of the Petrova gora offensive.
Dec 42: entire Battalion in Zagreb with HQ, 1st MT Co., 2d MT Co. and the light Tank Co.; the 1st MT Co. was being disbanded and it is believed that the entire Battalion was disbanded at the same time since there is no further mention of it in the surviving documents.


Bojnik Koharić (? - ?) May 1942


1. [ - ] - Druga godina narodnooslobodilačkog rata na području Karlovaca, Korduna, Gline, Like, Gorskog kotara, Pokuplja i Žumberka, p.91; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-315 roll 1294/218); Narodne novine, issues 10.0143 and 30.01.43.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -