(I. samovozna bojna)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed April 1941 in Zagreb and Osijek. (1)

Oct 41: Battalion HQ in Zagreb with 1st Chauffeur Co. in Zagreb, 1st Motor Transport Co. in Zagreb, 2d Motor Transport Co. in Zagreb, and 4th Motor Transport Co. in Zagreb.
Jun 42: 4th Motor Transport Co. in the Banja Luka area participating in Operation “West-Bosnien.”
24 Sep 42: Battalion HQ and billets at Ilica 207 in Zagreb. Subordinated to I. Corps.
12 Feb 43: Zagreb - noted as having a tank platoon (Oklopna vod 1. samovozna bojna) with 5 tanks, which on this date was attached to the Petrinja Brigade and stationed in Glina. German Gruppe West (187. Res.Div.) wanted it removed from the Petrinja Brigade and placed under its control, but Croatian I Corps in Sisak refused on the basis that it (the tank platoon) was essential to the Petrinja Brigade being able to accomplish its mission.
15 Jul 43: Battalion designated as the source of motor transport personnel for the 3d Mountain Brigade.
31 Dec 43: the Battalion’s 2d Motor Transport Co. stationed in Petrinja in a strength of 2 officers and 29 NCOs.
1 Jun 44: Battalion HQ in Zagreb, 1st Motor Transport Co. in Zagreb, 2d Motor Transport Co. in Slavonski Brod, 3d Motor Transport Co. in Zagreb; the 3d Platoon of the 3d Co. ( 1 x 5-ton truck, 2 x 2-ton trucks, 3 x 1-ton trucks and 2 x passenger cars) was attached to HQ Operations Zone Prokupje in Karlovac.
18 Nov 44: Zagreb - much of the Battalion now said to be divided into 7 MT detachments located in Sarajevo, Nasiće, Karlovac, Gospić, Koprivnica, Split and Drnis; the trucks were mostly Lancia, Fiat and Opel.
1945: no further information has been found, but the Battalion is believed to have remained in Zagreb until the first week in May and then withdrew toward Austria with the rest of the Croatian Army.


Bojnik Viktor Sunko (? Apr 1941 - ?) June 1941
Podpukovnik Vladimir Kurelac (? - ?) Sep 1942
Podpukovnik Leaković (? - ?) 1943
Bojnik Žigić (? - ?) Aug 1944
Bojnik Stjepan Milinković (? - ?) Nov 1944


1. Colić, Mladen - Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941, pp.223-24; Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom II/12, p.564; Tom V/12, p.440; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 560/1032); (T-315 roll 1296/50; roll 1553/131; roll 1554/470); RG 331 (roll 447-B).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -