(III. obkoparska bojna)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed between August and October 1941. (1)

Nov 41: Battalion stationed in Karlovac in a strength of 900.
15-23 Jan 42: 3d Co. participated in Operation “Süd-Kroatien.”
Jun 42: 3d Co. took part in Operation “West-Bosnien.”
Jun 42: Battalion (less 3d Co.) in Karlovac with approximately 700 officers and men.
Oct 42: 3d Co. participated in Operations “Jajce I, II and III.”
Dec 42: HQ and 1st Co. in Karlovac, 2d Co. in the field in the Banski Kovačevac area in the Kordun, 3d Co. in Podlugovi near Visoko in East Bosnia, 4th Co. in Sanski Most in West Bosnia, and the Replacement Co. in Karlovac.
29 Dec 42: 4th Co. in Sanski Most ordered to send most of its men to Prijedor where they were to be trained by the Pi.Kp. (Engineer Co.) of the German 714. Inf.Div., outfitted with new equipment, and then formed into a new Croatian engineer company, probably for assignment to one of the mountain or Jäger brigades.
2 Jan 43: 1st Co. suffered moderate losses during the battle for Krašić to the north of Karlovac when the town was attacked and taken by the Partisan 13th Proletarian Assault Brigade “Rade Končar” and the 4th Assault Brigade/8th Division.
18 Feb – 26 Mar 43: 3d Co. attached to the 4th Jäger Brigade and took part in Operation “Konjic.”
Mar 43: 3d Co. renamed Engineer Co./4th Jäger Brigade.
Apr – May 43: Battalion HQ transferred from Karlovac to Osijek.
28 Jul 43: 2d Co. in Osijek renamed Engineer Co./1st Mountain Brigade.
Oct 43: HQ and 1st Co. still in Osijek with approximately 100 officers and men.
20 May 44: a train carrying elements of the Battalion was ambushed and derailed between Visoko and Zenica in East Bosnia by the VII Brigade of the Partisan 10th Division, which claimed 100 men from the Battalion killed and wounded and another 50 captured. No further information after this date and by the end of November 1944 it had been dissolved and its assets distributed to other units.




1. Colić, Mladen - Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, p.410; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda. Tom IV/10, p.732; IV/26, p.262; [ - ] - Druga godina narodnooslobodilačkog rata na području Karlovaca, Korduna, Gline, Like, Gorskog kotara, Pokuplja i Žumberka, pp.57-59; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-120 roll 5800/H311924); (T-315 roll 1301/376; roll 1554/1308; roll 1555/625 and 1104; roll 2258/1311); Narodne novine.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -