(I. dojavna bojna)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 15 September 1942 in Zagreb with a HQ, 1st (Telephone) and 2d (Radio/Telegraph) Co. from personnel who had received signal training in Germany. (1)

1943: Zagreb - a 3d (mixed) Co. was formed sometime during 1943.
Aug 43: Zagreb - designated as the replacements unit for the signal components of 2d and 4th Jäger Brigades.
1 Apr 44: Zagreb - renamed the I Replacement Signal Detachment on of about this date.


Bojnik Franjo Šnur (15 Sep 1942 - 1 Apr 1944)


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-315 roll 2171/191); Narodne novine, issue 10.01.43.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -