(XVI. žestra bojna)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed fall 1942 in Zavidovići to guard the railway line between Bosanski Brod and Sarajevo. (1)

Jan 43: Battalion HQ in Zavidovići and the companies were deployed as guards along the tracks in the Žepče – Zavidovići area. Most of the personnel were between 30 and 40 and came from Slavonska Požega in Slavonia and from Ruma in Syrmia.
Sep 43: Bn. HQ in Zavidovići with 1st – 4th Co. under Railway Security Sector D - Bn. deployed along the track section between Rječića Donja/17 km N of Zavidovići and Begov Han (Golubinja)/15 km SSW of Zavidovići. Battalion said to be at 90% of authorized strength.
4 Sep 44: Bn. HQ in Zavidovići with 1st – 4th Co. under Railway Security Sector D - Bn. deployed along the track section Zavidovići – Maglaj – Žepče - Begov Han (Golubinja).
1 Dec 44: Bn. HQ in Zavidovići, but now with 1st – 5th Co. - incorporated into the 16th (Domobran) Infantry Brigade/15th Croatian Infantry Division on or about this date.




1. NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-315 roll 2270/1005-06); occasional references in other German documents and in the [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda series (e.g., Tom IV/9, pp.246-47) and in [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -