Auxiliary Battalion and Companies (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
- Last Updated: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
(Pomoćna bojna i satnije)
by H.L. deZeng IV
These general labor units were used to repair and maintain military buildings and barracks, work in depots and warehouses, serve as couriers, and to perform similar duties as required. An auxiliary company in 1941 had an authorized strength of 311 officers and men. Only one of the units was designated a battalion and that was the one located in Zagreb. Relatively little information has been found for these minor units in the surviving documentation. (1)
Banja Luka Auxiliary Company
Formed May – June 1941 in Banja Luka. On 21 Jan 43 it reported 2 officers, 7 NCOs and 96 men on strength. Subordinated to the Banja Luka Garrison Command, it helped defend the town during a surprise attack by large Partisan forces on 1 Jan 44. It was still in Banja Luka on 16 Sep 44 with its strength noted as being an estimated 200 unarmed men. No additional information has been found.
Bjelovar Auxiliary Company
Existence noted in January 1943 and that it had detached elements in Koprivnica, but it is almost certain to have been formed in 1941. No additional information has been found.
Karlovac Auxiliary Company
Formed September 1941 in an initial strength of 700 men to serve as both an auxiliary company and as a source of replacements for other units, particularly the 3d Infantry Regiment. In 1942 it had elements detached in Knin and Otočac, but its strength had diminished to approximately 500. On or about 1 April 1944 it was disbanded and used to form II Bn./3d Garrison Brigade in Knin.
Knin Auxiliary Company
Formed approximately summer 1942 from elements of the Karlovac Auxiliary Co. On or about 1 April 1944 it was disbanded and used along with elements of the Karlovac Auxiliary Co. to form II Bn./3d Garrison Brigade in Knin.
Mostar Auxiliary Company
Formed about September 1941, although this cannot be confirmed. It was still in Mostar in December 1943. No additional information has been found.
Osijek Auxiliary Company
Formed May – June 1941. Still in Osijek in Dec 42. No additional information has been found.
Petrinja Auxiliary Company
Noted as being in Petrinja in October 1942. Disbanded on or about 1 Apr 44 and used to form II Bn./4th Garrison Brigade in Petrinja.
Sarajevo Auxiliary Company
Formed May – June 1941. No additional information has been found.
Sisak Auxiliary Company
Identified in Sisak on 7 December 1943 in a strength of 1 officer, 1 NCO and 76 men; it was not armed. It is almost a certainty that this company was formed in summer 1941. On 7 Feb 45 it is said to have been in Petrinja with approximately 105 men. No additional information has been found.
Slavonski Brod Auxiliary Company
Existence noted in December 1942. But it is almost a certainty that this company was formed in summer 1941. No additional information has been found.
Slavonska Požega Auxiliary Company
Identified 1 June 1944, but it definitely existed prior to this date. No additional information has been found.
Zagreb Auxiliary Battalion
Formed May – June 1941 as a company, but it was expanded to a battalion very shortly after this. In Jan 43 it had a small HQ and staff with 1st – 3d Co. During the course of the year it was enlarged and by Jan 44 it had 1st to 4th Co., an attached heavy machine gun company and an attached motor transport supply company. No additional information has been found.
1. Colić, Mladen - Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941 (Belgrade: Delta-pres, 1973); [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom IV/11, p.639; IV/20, p.817; IV/21, pp.768-69; IV/29, p.360; Tom V/38, p.73; [ - ] - Druga godina narodnooslobodilačkog rata na području Karlovaca, Korduna, Gline, Like, Gorskog kotara, Pokuplja i Žumberka (Karlovac, 1973), pp.57-58; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 558/980; roll 559/227; roll 1544/251); (T-315 roll 1294/063; roll 1554/470); (T-821 roll 275/373); Narodne novine, issues dated 10.1.43, 30.1.43, 5.3.43.