(II. jurišna bojna) (also Jurbo II)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed during the second half of 1942 in or near Slavonski Brod for II Corps (HQ in Slavonski Brod). Initial organization consisted of Bn. HQ and 5th – 8th Co. (1)

Operational History

24 Jan 43: Bn. operating as a rapid reaction force against Partisan attacks and sabotage along the main railway line between Sl. Brod and Nova Gradiška, often together with elements of IV and XI Ustasha Preparatory Battalions.
2-6 Feb 43: operating from Nova Gradiška, took part in Operations “Krause I” and “Krause II” in the Nova Gradiška – Okučani area.
24 Feb 43: in the Slavonska Požega area for Operation “Grün” as part of the northwest assault force with a reinforced company from XXXIX Ustasha Bn. attached. The Operation began a few days later and was directed against the Partisan 4th Division in the Dilj Mountains to the north of Sl. Brod.
8-10 Mar 43: took part in a local cleansing operation called “Vučjak” in the Doboj – Derventa area aimed at destroying Partisan units that were raiding and looting Croatian and Moslem villages in the area. The Partisans evaded their pursuers as usual and there were only a few casualties.
17 Mar – 2 Apr 43: participated in Operation “Braun” in the Sl. Požega area.
21 Mar 43: Bn. now in Ivandol/18 km W of Sl. Požega.
4 Jul 43: transferred from Zagreb via Sl. Brod to the Tuzla area and attached to the Tuzla Brigade, but a few days later it was seconded to the German 369. Inf.Div.
8 Jul 43: advancing along the road from Caparde/37 km SE of Tuzla with strong forces from the 369. Inf.Div. and tanks, the Battalion assisted in the taking of Zvornik, which had been temporarily captured and held by units of the Partisan 1st Proletarian and 16th Assault Divisions a few weeks earlier.
16 Sep 43: transferred from Johovac/18 km N of Doboj to Lukavac/15 km W of Tuzla.
Apr 44: Bn. part of the forces defending Tuzla - its CO, Podpukovnik Baho, was taken prisoner by the Partisans but released on 26 April. This is the last time the Battalion is mentioned in the surviving documents and it is believed to have been disbanded shortly after April 1944. Like many of the Domobran units, it had evidently become unreliable.


Podpukovnik Josip Baho (? - ?) Apr 1944


II Corps (Nov 1942 - Apr 1944)


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a, reg.br. 3/1; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom IV/11, pp.725-26; Tom V/11, p.560; V/12, p.541; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, p.507; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 554/869); (T-315 roll 553/639; 2155/220 and 226); MINORS daily report for 26.04.44.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -