I Assault Battalion (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
- Last Updated: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
(I. jurišna bojna) (also Jurbo I)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed early spring l942 either in Banja Luka or sent there during April or early May for assignment to the Banja Luka Brigade, although it belonged to I Corps. Initially in three companies(lst - 3d), it was reorganized and enlarged in late 1943 or early l944 to a HQ Co., Signal Platoon and 1st - 4th Companies. At first an elite formation, the Battalion began to fall apart in the summer of 1943 due to declining morale. (1)
Operational History
28 May 42: together with other units under the tactical command of the Banja Luka Brigade, the Bn. attacked elements of the Partisan 1st Krajina Brigade and 2d Krajina Detachment near the village of Piskavica in the vicinity of Banja Luka, but the enemy managed to get away before a fight could develop.
5 Jun 42: 1st Co. located in Dvor on the Una River as part of the garrison there.
14 Jun 42: in preliminary operations leading up to Operation “West-Bosnien”, the Bn. encountered fierce opposition from the Partisan lst Krajina Brigade near the village of Slavići in the vicinity of Banja Luka and had to break off the attack, which had
begun on 11 June. According to the Banja Luka. Brigade’s monthly report for June 1942, many of the men were drunk on raki, and broke and fled before the Partisan counterattack.
24 Aug 42: Bn. now in Bihać.
2-7 Nov 42: 1st Co. took part in Operation “Lug” under German 714. Inf.Div., this being directed against Partisan concentrations between Bihać and Sanski Most.
10 Feb 43: Bn. now in the Bosanski Novi area under the tactical command of German 714. Inf.Div.
28 May 43: Battalion transferred to Sisak.
8 Jun 43: transferred from Sisak to Lekenik to begin a cleansing operation around Cerje in the mountains south of Zagreb.
20 Jun 43: Bn. under I Corps and tactically under German 187. Res.Div.
24 Jun 43: one company was detached and took part in Operation “Zagorje” in the Kalnik Mountains.
4-6 Jul 43: Bn. HQ and one company took part in Operation “Ivan” in the Moslavačka Mountains.
5 Aug 43: Bn. took part in Operation “Grün II” under the 187. Res.Div. against Partisan
concentrations in the Kravarsko area 30 km northwest of Sisak, but there was only limited contact with the enemy.
27 Aug 43: Bn. now at Turopolje/25 km SE Zagreb guarding the sawmill there.
Sep 43 – Jun 44: Turopolje - guard duty with no significant contact with the enemy.
24 Jun 44: still in Turopolje guarding war-essential industrial facilities.
30 Jul 44: transferred during July and Battalion HQ now in Ripač/9 km S of Bihać with 1st – 4th Co. - deployed in fortified positions to secure the southern approaches to Bihać.
20 Nov 44: left the Bihać area in November and by this date had reached Bosanska Krupa with 693 men. It continued moving northeast along the Una Valley through Otoka and by the beginning of December was located in Bosanski Novi.
1 Dec 44: assigned to the new 10th Croatian Infantry Division and shortly thereafter renamed Reconnaissance Bn./10th Croatian Inf. Div. The Battalion did not fare well during December. On 18 December German XV. Gebirgskorps reported that the Battalion was no longer of value for active employment and had been relegated to railway guard duty along the stretch between Bos. Novi and Bihać. A few days later, on 22 December, the Germans reported that 40% of its men at Bosanska Krupa had abandoned their positions of which 79 had deserted to the Partisans.
Satnik Janko Držanić (? Apr 1942 - ?) May 1944
Satnik Graberina (? - ? Dec 1944) Nov 1944
I Corps (Apr 1942 - Nov 1944)
1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a, reg.br. 3/1; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom IV/27, p.528; IV/30, p.648; Tom V/15, p.495; V/16, p.378; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, 264; Babić, Dr. Nikola (ed.) - Kozara u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijakističkoj revoluciji (1941-1945), Prijedor, 1980, p.212; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 185/0065, 0166 and 1530); (T-314 roll 1544/251; roll 1545/832); (T-315 roll 1554/470); (T-821 roll 52/435).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -