3. Recruit Regiment (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
- Last Updated: 17 February 2013 17 February 2013
(3. novačka pukovnija)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed January 1942 with HQ in Bjelovar and comprised three battalions (I – III). A IV Battalion was formed later. These battalions were numbered I, II, VI and VII for some unknown reason. One of the four recruit regiments that were formed beginning in January 1942 and used to train the men called up in the fall of 1941 for the purpose of forming the four mountain brigades. (1)
Operational History
Jun 42: VII Bn. in Petrinja participated in Operation “West-Bosnien” under the tactical control of the Petrinja Brigade.
24 Oct 42: Regiment HQ and all remaining components in Bjelovar were transferred to Zagreb around this date; one company stationed in Križevci was ordered to remain there.
16 Dec 42: VII Bn. now in Glina - ordered this date to carry out a reconnaissance of the Topusko railway station which had reported that it was under heavy attack.
31 Jan 43: VI Bn. (2 rifle companies and one heavy machine gun company) in a strength of 15 officers with 400 NCOs and men transferred from Zagreb to Novska this date and in mid-February turned over to the 1st Mountain Brigade as replacements.
Feb 43: VII Bn. still in Glina and sending out daily patrols that covered a radius of 10 km around the town.
9 Mar 43: two companies of VI Bn. were guarding a fish hatchery in the Virovitica – Daruvar area.
4-6 Apr 43: elements of VI Bn. participated in Operation “Virovitica” in the Moslavačka Mountains that was intended to engage and destroy a force of 1,500 Partisans, but they were never found and brought to action. The operation was commanded by German 187. Res.Inf.Div. and employed three battalions and support elements from the Croatian 1st Mountain Division as well as other formations.
Apr – May 43: disbanded around this date.
Podpukovnik Vilim Kristofić (c. Mar 1942 - ?)
Pukovnik Karlović (? - 1943)
I Territorial Corps (early 1942 - early 1943)
Order of Battle (Dec 1942)
Regiment HQ in Bjelovar
I Bn. in Zagreb
II Bn. in Bjelovar
VI Bn. in Zagreb
VII Bn. in Glina
1. Colić 1979, p.157; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata I podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/10, p.450; V/11, p.395; V/12, p.439; V/13, p.511; V/32, p.486; [Institut za historiju radničkog pokreta] - Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi i socijalističkoj revoluciji, p.617; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 558/1118); (T-315 roll 1553/99); Narodne novine issues 10 Jan 43.
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -