(13. pješačka pukovnija)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 29 June 1941 with Rgt. HQ in Mostar. Initially with just two battalions and 13th, 14th and 15th support companies, it was expanded to three battalions plus 16th, 17th and 18th companies during 1942. Renamed 13th Jäger Regiment (4th Jäger Brigade) on 18 February 1943. (1)

Operational History


5-6 Sep 41: I Bn. from Nevesinje broke up an attack by insurgents on Gacko and prevented the capture of the town; II Bn. had already transferred to Sarajevo by this date.
15-23 Oct 41: Regiment ordered to depart the Sarajevo area and move east to relieve the garrison in Rogatica, which fell to the Partisans on 23 October, but was stopped in its tracks near Stambulčić by fierce resistance from the Ronianija and Kalinovik Detachments.
10 Nov 41: II Bn., together with German and Ustasha units, attacked the Partisan “Zvijezda” Detachment in the area between the western outskirts of Sarajevo and Visoko to the northwest of the city and drove it back across the Bosna River.


15-23 Jan 42: I and II Bn. assigned to the German 738. Inf. Rgt. in the Pale – Prača - Rogatica area during Operation “Süd-Kroatien”, advancing against strong resistance and took Rogatica on 25 January.
15 Mar 42: Regiment attached to German 718. Inf. Div. in the Rogatica area as a reserve for Operation “Trio I”, and by 21 March had moved northwest and was located in Sokolac.
20 Jul 42: elements of Partisan 3d and 5th Krajina NOP Detachments captured Glamoč after an 11 day siege, destroying part of 18th Co./13th Infantry Rgt. while the remainder of the company fled to Livno.
22 Aug 42: main body of the Regiment still in the Rogatica – Goražde area.
Aug – Dec 42: 13th Infantry Rgt. garrisoned an area in East Bosnia that was now relatively quiet and it had no noteworthy contact with enemy forces during the second half of 1942.


Jan 43: the Regiment’s sector was still quiet and it continued to see little or no action.
Feb 43: ordered to begin reorganizing at the beginning of February and to start intensive training.
18 Feb 43: Rogatica – Goražde area - Regiment ordered renamed 13th Jäger Regiment (4th Jäger Brigade) this date, but this is not believed to have become effective until April.


Pukovnik Stjepan Gaščić (? - ? Mar 43) Dec 1941


Jadranska Division (June 1941 - Aug 1941)
6th Infantry Division (Aug 1941 - Feb 1943)

Order of battle (31 Dec 1941)

Rgt. HQ
I Bn. (1st – 4th Co.)
II Bn. (5th – 8th Co.)
13th Co.
14th Co.
15th Co.
All in the Pale area/15 km SE of Sarajevo.

Order of battle (1 Jan 1943)

Rgt. HQ in Rogatica
I Bn. (1st – 4th Co.)in Goražde holding positions along the Drina
II Bn. (5th – 8th Co.)in Prača
III Bn. (9th – 12th Co.) in Ilino Gornje/5 km NW of Goražde and likewise holding positions along the Drina
13th Co.
14th Co.
15th Co.
16th Co. in Rogatica
17th Co. in Nevesinje


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; Colić, Mladen - Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941; Colić 1979; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, pp.98, 148, 300; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Oslobodilački rat naroda Juooslavije 1941-1945, v.1, pp.145, 180; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom IV/10, pp.630-36, 732; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-315 roll 1531/067; roll 2266/782; roll 2269/1000).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -