(4. pješačka pukovnija)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 29 June 1941 with Rgt. HQ in Osijek. The Regiment was re-designated 4th Jäger Regiment (1st Jäger Brigade) in May 1943. (1)

Operational History


Jul 41: after the Regiment was formed, it was deployed in garrisons along the Bosna Valley between Teslić and the Sava River, and also in South Slavonia.
6 Sep 41: I Bn. in Mokro/East Bosnia.


Jan 42: a IV and a V Bn. were added to the Regiment during the first half of 1942.
25-31 Jan 42: I Bn. suffered heavy losses in fighting near Doboj.
20-30 Apr 42: IV Bn. took part in a sweep and mop-up operation in the Papuk Mountains in Slavonia.
17 Jun 42: V Bn. stationed in Gradačac.
Jul 42: I Bn. replenished with 300 men from Ustasha Preparatory Bn. Posavje, while 19th and 21st Co. received 150 men from Ustasha Preparatory Bn. Baranje.
Aug 42: II and III Bn. participated in Operation “Fruška Gora” in Syrmia.
4 Sep 42: I Bn. in Slavonski Brod, II Bn. in Derventa/28 km S of Slavonski Brod and III Bn. in Teslić.
1 Oct 42: IV and V Bn. both still stationed in Gradačac.
29 Nov – 6 Dec 42: III Bn. provided 3 companies to a large German-Croatian force assembled for Operation “Jajce III”, which retook the town of Jajce that had fallen to the Partisans during the night of 25/26 November.
2 Dec 42: III Bn. was the main force garrisoning the key town of Teslić.
17 Dec 42: I Bn. in Podravska Slatina under the Slavonian Brigade.


2 Jan 43: after 13 hours of heavy fighting, the Rgt. HQ with III Bn., 14th and 15th Co. surrendered Teslić to the 1st Proletarian Assault Div. NOVJ. The Partisans captured 38 officers, 1,200 men, 23 field and infantry support guns, 12 mortars, 114 heavy and light machine guns, 1,500 rifles and large quantities of ammunition.
26 Jan 43: I Bn. now in Čačinci/26 km NW of Našice with the Slavonian Brigade and II Bn. transferred from Sl. Brod to Osijek; IV Bn. was still in Gradačac.
2-6 Feb 43: operating from Okučani, II Bn. took part in Operations “Krause I” and “Krause II” in the Nova Gradiška – Okučani area.
21 Feb 43: while advancing from Djakovo into Partisan territory around Levanjska and Varoš, II Bn. was ambushed by elements of the 4th Slavonian Div. NOVJ in several villages near Našice and suffered moderate losses.
27 Feb 43: I Bn. from Našice, II Bn. and III Bn. from Sl. Požega participated in Operation “Grün” in the Krndija and Dilj Mountains.
16 Mar 43: the fortified strongpoint Velika near Slavonska Požega was attacked and overrun by elements of the 4th Slavonian Div. NOVJ costing the Regiment 24 killed, 18 wounded and 110 captured. Partisan losses were 6 killed and 17 wounded.
19 Mar – 2 Apr 43: I, II and III Bn., operating under the Slavonian Brigade, all took part in Operation “Braun” in the Sl. Požega area.
May 43: re-designated 4th Jäger Regiment (1st Jäger Brigade).


Pukovnik Stjepan Binder (29 June 1941 - Dec 1941)
Pukovnik Andrija Grum (Dec 1941 - ?)
Pukovnik Stjepan Binder (1942 - 2 Jan 1943)
Pukovnik Andrija Grum (Jan 1943 - May 1943)


Osijek Division (June 1941 - Aug 1941)
3d Infantry Division (Aug 1941 - May 1943)

Order of battle (Dec 1941)

Rgt. HQ
I Bn. (1st – 4th Co.) in Osijek
II Bn. (5th – 8th Co.) in Teslić
III Bn. (9th – 12th Co.) in Teslić
13th Co.
14th Co.
15th Co.
Total strength: 2,476

Order of battle (Jan 1943)

Rgt. HQ
I Bn. (1st – 4th Co.)
II Bn. (5th – 8th Co.)
III Bn. (9th – 12th Co.)
IV Bn. (17th – 20th Co.)
13th Co.
14th Co.
15th Co.


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; Colić, Mladen - Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941; Colić 1979; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, pp.405, 427, 442; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/11, p.512; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-821 roll 278/466).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -