V Mountain Brigade (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 16 February 2013 16 February 2013
- Last Updated: 16 February 2013 16 February 2013
(V. gorski zdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed on or about 15 February 1943 by reorganizing and upgrading the former Petrinja Brigade. (1)
Operational History
Feb 43: carried out security and reconnaissance patrols in the area to the west of Petrinja under the tactical control of the German 187. Res.Div.
26 Feb 43: I Bn. was attacked by the Banija NOP Detachment in the village of Hajtić near Glina losing 10 killed and 74 captured.
10 Mar 43: III Bn. transferred from Petrinja to Glina.
15-17 Apr 43: II Bn. took part in Operation “Ostern” in the Sunja area.
28 Apr – 2 May 43: III Bn. transferred to Križevci to take part in a sweep of the Kalnik Mountains and then returned to Blina on 6 May.
24 May 43: II Bn. fought a sharp engagement with Partisans in the village of Bučica near Glina losing 17 killed, 9 wounded and 107 captured.
29 May 43: the Brigade commander, Pukovnik Lalić, was captured by the Partisans near Glina this date.
20 Jun 43: Brigade strength given as 2,900; still under the tactical control of the German 187. Res.Div.
2 Jul 43: III Bn. was responsible for the security of the Petrinja – Glina road.
26-27 Jul 43: II and III Bn. participated in Operation “Grün” in the mountainous terrain 35 km south of Zagreb.
1 Aug 43: ordered disbanded with HQ, I and III Bn. becoming HQ, I and II Bn./5th Mountain Rgt., while II Bn. was broken up and used to fill up shortages in the new regiment.
Pukovnik Lalić (c. 15 Feb 1943 - 29 May 1943)
Podpukovnik Dragutin Brkić (29 May 1943 - 1 Aug 1943)
I Domobran Corps (I Territorial Corps) (Feb 1943 - Aug 1943)
Order of battle (Feb 1943)
Brigade HQ, headquarters elements and signal platoon in Petrinja
I Bn. (HQ Co. and 1st – 4th Co.) in Petrinja
II Bn. (1st – 4th Co.) in Glina
III Bn. (1st - 4th Co.) in Petrinja
III Artillery Gp. in Petrinja
Tank Platoon (5 x L3 tankettes) in Glina
Medical Co. in Petrinja
1. Colić 1979, pp.157 and 169-73; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, pp.427, 478; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata I podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/12, p.573; V/13, p.514; V/14, p.514; V/15, p.402; V/17, p.371; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Oslobodilački rat naroda Juooslavije 1941-1945.
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -