Syrmian Brigade (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 10 February 2013 10 February 2013
- Last Updated: 10 February 2013 10 February 2013
(Sremski zdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed 15 March 1942 with HQ in Ruma as a HQ and staff for the territorial and operational control of Croatian units in Syrmia. Various companies and battalions were assigned to it for operational purposes and then returned to their parent units on completion of the mission. In early 1943 it began receiving older age group reservists called up for 3 or 4 months active duty so it could form its own battalions and after this had transpired the Brigade became primarily a garrison formation for the guarding of bridges along the Sava River, villages, road junctions, sections of track along the railway, and industrial infrastructure such as the cement factory at Beočin near Novid Sad. (1)
Operational History
24 Mar 43: elements took part in Operation “Braun” in the Papuk Mountains in the Slavonski Požega area.
14 Aug 43: Brigade elements assigned to guard the gathering of the harvest in the Zemun area.
18-19 Aug 43: II Bn. attacked in Vrbanja by the Partisan 2d Syrmian Detachment and lost a number of killed and wounded; 28 men were also taken prisoner.
19-21 Oct 43: elements participated in Operation “Herbst II”, which was aimed at destroying a Partisan concentration between the Sava River and the Vinkovci – Županja railway line under the tactical command of the German 187. Res.Inf.Div. The Partisan evaded the net and got away.
Nov 43: Brigade HQ transferred from Ruma to Hrv. Mitrovica during late October or in November.
17 Feb 44: in joint operations with elements of the German 13. SS-Div. “Handschar”, two battalions from the Brigade were ambushed in the village of Lipovac near Sid and forced to withdraw with light losses.
1 Mar 44: Brigade under the tactical command of German 606. Sicherungs-Rgt.
1 Apr 44: renamed 7th Garrison Brigade.
Bojnik Strecker (c. 15 Mar 1942 - ?)
Pukovnik Zvonimir Stimaković (? - ?) Aug 1943
Pukovnik Gjurgjević (? - 1 Apr 1944) Dec 1943
II Corps (15 Mar 1942 - 1 Apr 1944)
Order of battle (7 July 1942)
Brigade HQ,
I Volksdeutsche Jäger Bn.
XVI Ustasha Bn.
Ustasha Preparatory Bn. “Vuka”
5th Co./2d Einsatzstaffel Bn. “General Laudon”
One Bn. from the Croatian Air Force School Rgt. in Petrovaradin
Order of battle (27 Aug 1943)
Brigade HQ and signal platoon in Ruma,
I Bn. in Hrv. Mitrovica
II Bn. in Vrbanja
III Bn. in Ruma
2d Battery/VI Artillery Gp. in Ruma
Order of battle (1 Mar 1944)
Brigade HQ and signal platoon in Hrv. Mitrovica
I Bn. in Ruma
II Bn. in Otok
III Bn. in Novi Sad
1. Colić 1979, p.170; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, p.531, 692; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda. Tom V/14, pp.430-43; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Oslobodilački rat naroda Juooslavije 1941-1945. 2 Vols.; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-314 roll 554/562; roll 1544/251); (T-315 roll 1555/1124-30).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -