(Sanski zdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 31 July 1941 with HQ in Prijedor as a composite tactical formation to carry out operations against the outbreak of resistance in the area between Bihać and Banja Luka and between the Una and Sana Rivers. (1)

Operational History

Oct 41: ordered disbanded, with all of elements used to form the Banja Luka Brigade.


General Dragutin Rumler (31 Jul 1941 - ? Aug 1941)


MINDOM (Army HQ) in Zagreb (31 Jul 1941 - Oct 1941)

Order of battle (2 Aug 1941)

Brigade HQ element
II Bn./11th Infantry Rgt.
27th Expeditionary Bn.
Kvaternik Guard Bn.
Replacement Bn./10th Infantry Rgt.
VII Artillery Gp.
5 additional infantry companies from 2d, 9th, 10th and 11th Infantry Rgt.
Elements of several Ustasha units
Armed locals


1. Colić, Mladen. Takozvana Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1941.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -