(Kordunski zdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed August 1941 with HQ in Karlovac as a composite tactical formation to direct the employment of Croatian forces (mainly Ustasha units) in the Kordun region to the south of Karlovac. (1)

Operational History

1 Aug 42: Brigade HQ and staff renamed HQ and staff III Ustasha Brigade on or about this date.




MINDOM (Army HQ) in Zagreb (Aug 1941 - Oct 1941)
I Corps (Nov 1941 - c. Aug 1942)

Order of battle (Aug 1941)

Brigade HQ
I Lika Ustasha Bn.
Glinska Ustasha Bn.
Ustasha Preparatory Bn.
Total strength: 1,900


1. [ - ] - Druga godina narodnooslobodilačkog rata na području Karlovaca, Korduna, Gline, Like, Gorskog kotara, Pokuplja i Žumberka, p.56.

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -