(1. gorski divizija)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed early April 1942 with HQ in Kostajnica as a division-level command for the I, II, III and IV Mountain Brigades, which were formed at the same time from men called up during the autumn of 1941 and trained in the 1st – 4th Recruit Regiments. (1)

Operational History


Jun 42: Div. HQ now in Petrinja. During June and July the Division and its subordinate brigades were fully engaged in Operation “West-Bosnien” in the Kozara Mountains to the northwest of Banja Luka.
27 Jun 42: after 3 weeks of combat experience, the German commander of the “West-Bosnien” operation reported that a considerable number of the Division’s officers were below standard in terms of esprit de corps, interest in and care for their troops. The Division’s NCOs were numerically few, insufficiently trained and lacked military know-how. The troops, on the other hand, were personally steadfast and willing, but were poorly lead and trained. The sole exception to this characterization was the III Mountain Brigade.
Aug – Sep 42: carried out operations in the Bilogora Mountains to the east of Bjelovar and in the Žumberak region to the west of Zagreb.
Oct – Dec 42: with HQ now in Popovača, Division operated against Partisans in the Moslavina (Moslavačka Mountains) and in the western reaches of Slavonia in the Pakrac – Daruvar area.


26 Jan 43: HQ in Daruvar - the Division reported that it had received no replacements since September 1942 and was 30% under strength.
20 Jun 43: Div. tactically under German 187. Res.Div. and gave its total strength as 6,800.
12 Aug 43: officially disbanded this date and all tactical and security responsibilities turned over to the I and IV Mountain Brigades.


Pukovnik Stjepan Peričić (? Apr 1942 - ? June 1942)
Pukovnik Artur Gustović (? June 1942 - ? Feb 1943)
Pukovnik Matija Čanić (? Feb 1943 - 12 Aug 1943?)


I Territorial Corps (Apr 1942 - Aug 1943)

Order of battle (15 Aug 42)

Division HQ
HQ Co.
I Mountain Brigade
II Mountain Brigade
III Mountain Brigade
IV Mountain Brigade
II Artillery Group (elements)
Engineer Co.
1st Light Tank Co.
Signal Platoon
Motor Transport Co. (18 motor vehicles)
Medical Co.


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; Colić 1979, p.157; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/32; [ - ] - Gradja za povijest narodnooslobodilačke borbe u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatsko 1941-1945, v.III, p.395; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-315 roll 1553/89 and 304-06; roll 1554/470; roll 1558/256); (T-501 roll 249/1149).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -