2. Gendarmerie Regiment (Croatia)
- Details
- Published: 07 February 2013 07 February 2013
- Last Updated: 07 February 2013 07 February 2013
(2. oružnička pukovnija)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed 1 May 1941 in Split from elements of the former “Primorski” Gendarmerie Rgt. of the Royal Yugoslav Gendarmerie. Its HQ and HQ Co. transferred to Knin a few weeks after formation. (1)
Operational History
1941-45: urban and rural police duties, such as manning Gendarmerie stations and carrying out patrols.
13 Jul 41: total Regiment strength approximately 1,200.
1942: Rgt. HQ moved from Knin to Gospić and there by 25 Jun 42.
Sep 42: the Gend. Wing Knin had a strength of two companies.
19 Jul 43: the Gend. Wing Knin subordinated about 220 local village militia in the Knin and Drniš districts in addition to its own strength of about a company of Gendarmerie.
16 Oct 43: Gend. Wing Gospić reported it strength as 8 officers, 42 NCOs and 246 men armed with 288 rifles and 16 light machine guns.
Mar 44: Rgt. HQ still in Gospić.
Gend. Pukovnik Josip Boić (1 May 1941 - ? Apr 1942)
Gend. Pukovnik Dragutin Čanić (? May 1942 - ?)
Gend. Pukovnik Dragutin Mašek (? - ?) Jan 1943
Order of Battle (Jan 1942)
Rgt. HQ in Knin with Gendarmerie Wings (Oruz.krila) Knin, Bihać, Gospić, Livno, Sibenik
Order of Battle (1 Sep 1944)
Rgt. HQ in Gospić with county or local (kotar) sub-commands in Gospić (2 detachments), Bihać (3 detachments), Senj (3 detachments)
1. Arhiv VII, kut. 114b, reg.br. 1/2; kut. 134a, reg.br. f.3/1-96; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda, Tom V/1, p.279; V/4, p.470; V/32; [ - ] - Zbornik Instituta za historiju radničkog pokreta Dalmacije (Split, 1978), Knjiga (volume) 4, pp.886-88; NARA WashDC: RG 165 (Ser. 79, Box 738, CSDIC CMF AAI (East)/AB 245 dated 27 May 44); RG 242 (T-314 roll 558/1139); (T-821 roll 58/007); Narodne novine government gazette.
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -