(Pripremna ustaška bojna “Sana i Luka”)
by H.L. deZeng IV

The Battalion began forming in Banja Luka in early January 1942 under Ustasha Poručnik Ante Nevistić, who had been sent from Zagreb for this purpose. Recruiting was carried out in the local area, and by June at least the 2d Company was used operationally during Operation “West-Bosnien”, coming under the tactical control of the Banja Luka Brigade (a Domobran command with headquarters in Banja Luka). On 1 October 1942 the Bn. HQ was in Banja Luka, 1st Co. in Banja Luka performing security duties, 2d Co. in Dragočaj and Budžak performing security dutues and 3d Co. in Lauš guarding mines that were located there. On 7 November 1942 the 1st Company was transferred to Prijedor to help with security tasks, and a report dated 1 December shows the battalion HQ Co. in Banja Luka, 1st Co. in Prijedor, 2d Co. in Banja Luka and 3d Co.in Banja Luka, with a total strength of only 313. The elements in Banja Luka were being used to guard sections of the railway in and around the city. On 28 February 1943 the entire battalion was transferred to Pri.jedor and used to fill up the VIII Ustasha Battalion, thus ending its existence. (1)


1. NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-821 roll 53/367).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -