by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed in Otočac in the Lika area of northern Dalmatia but its date of formation is unknown. Its existence was noted on 1 August 1944 and on 1 September it was referred to as the Otočac Defense Battalion with a Bn. HQ and 1st – 5th Co. in a strength of 6 officers and 1,201 men and assigned to the IV Ustasha Brigade. Incorporated into the XVIII Ustasha Brigade on or about 1 December 1944. No further information has been found. (1)




1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a, 4/1; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 184/250).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -