Seekommandant Ukraine (3)
- Details
- Published: 01 September 2012 01 September 2012
- Last Updated: 01 September 2012 01 September 2012
by Gareth Collins
Formed in Mariupol on 08 May 1943 from the staff of the Seekommandant Westkrim. The command area expanded in the east from the main battle line (the easternmost Hafenkommandant was at Taganrog) to the River Bug. With the German retreat in the east the area of command was made smaller and smaller, because of this the staff quarters were moved in mid-December 1943 to Nikolayev. In December 1943 the office was dissolved due to the depleted command area. After its dissolution the ports still under German control were passed to the Seekommandant Transnistrien-Rumänien-Bulgarien ('W') & the Perekop based Marineartillerieabteilung 614 was passed to Seekommandant Krim ('U').
Kapitän zur See Hermann Brennecke (00 May 1943-00 Dec 1943)
Stabsoffizier beim Stabe
Korvettenkapitän z.V. Heinrich Stiege (00 May 1943-00 Nov 1943)
Subordinate Commands & Units
Hafenkommandant Berdjansk
Hafenkommandant Mariupol
Hafenkommandant Nikolajew
Hafenkommandant Taganrog
Hafenkapitän Cherson
Hafenkapitän Otschakow
Hafenschutzflottille Mariupol
Marineartillerieabteilung 614
Sources used
Research by Gareth Collins
Erich Gröner - Die Schiffe der deutschen Kriegsmarine und ihr Verbleib 1939-1945, J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, München (1976)
Hans H. Hildebrand - Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine nebst Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück(2000)
Hans H. Hildebrand & Ernest Henriot – Deutschlands Admirale 1849-1945, Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück (1989)
Hans H. Hildebrand, Albert Röhr & Hans-Otto Steinmetz – Die Deutschen Kriegsschiffe, Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg (1980)
Walter Lohmann & Hans H. Hildebrand – Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine, Verlag Hans-Henning Podzun, Bad Nauheim (1956)
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -