Verstärkter Grenzaufsichtsdienst (VGAD)
- Details
- Published: 08 July 2013 08 July 2013
- Last Updated: 08 July 2013 08 July 2013
On 1 July 1939 a paramilitary border protection unit was formed in Danzig as part of the SA. The Verstärkter Grenzaufsichtsdienst (VGAD) was formed from personnel from SA-Standarte 5 and SA-Standarte 128 to patrol the borders around the Freistadt Danzig.
During the invasion of Poland some VGAD soldiers fought as part of Brigade Eberhardt.
Initially standard SA uniforms were used but soon special black collar patches with a SA emblems were issued and a black cuff title with the text "Grenzwache".
VGAD soldier
(From "Danzig: Deine SA!" by Hans Sponholz, 1940)
VGAD soldiers at the funeral of SA-Mann Johann Rusch
(From "Danzig: Deine SA!" by Hans Sponholz, 1940)
VGAD soldier at a border gate
(From "Danzig: Deine SA!" by Hans Sponholz, 1940)
Sources used
John R. Angolia - Cloth insignia of the NSDAP and SA
Hans Sponholz - Danzig: Deine SA! (1940)
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -