II Traffic Control Brigade Ustasha Militia (II. Prometna zdrug Ustaška Vojnica)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Using the II Battalion/Traffic Control Brigade Ustasha Militia as cadre, the Brigade began forming in the Sarajevo area during February and March 1943. It was responsible for railway traffic control throughout Bosnia and Hercegovina. Brigade HQ was in Sarajevo. (1)

Operational History

Apr 43: I Bn. with 1st – 4th Co. in Sarajevo and still there in August.
Aug 43: II Bn. in Pazarić/27 km SW of Sarajevo.
22-23 Oct 43: II Bn. in Makarska - one company sent to Milna on Brač Island off the Dalmatian coast where it was engaged by elements of the 12th Dalmatian Brigade NOVJ and forced to withdraw to Split after losing 40 killed and 15 captured.
Dec 43: I Bn. gave its strength as 456.
8-9 Apr 44: V Battalion engaged in a brief skirmish with elements of the 29th Assault Division NOVJ in the Capljina – Gabela area.
17-22 May 44: 52 Ustasha from V Bn. deserted to the Partisans.
1 Aug 44: VI Bn. reported 586 men on strength.
Jul – Aug 44: during the summer of 1944 the Brigade was re-designated XI Ustasha Brigade.


Ust. Dopukovnik Krešimir Kuraja (? - ?) May 1944

Order of Battle (June 1944)

Brigade HQ in Sarajevo
I Bn. in Stambulčić/SE of Sarajevo
II Bn. in Makarska
III Bn. in Banja Luka
IV Bn. in Sarajevo
V Bn. in the Stolac – Hutovo – Gabela area to the east of Metković in Hercegovina
VI Bn. in Metković
VII Bn. in Doboj


1. Arhiv VII, kut. 134a; Hrvatski narod newspaper; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Hronologija oslobodilačke borbe naroda jugoslavije 1941-1945, pp.580 and 723; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-120 roll 5788/H302607).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -