XXIII Ustasha Brigade
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- Published: 29 January 2013 29 January 2013
- Last Updated: 02 February 2013 02 February 2013
XXIII Ustasha Brigade (XXIII. Stajači Djelatni Sdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Ordered formed in early December 1944 with HQ in Zagreb as a component of the 16th Croatian Replacement Division, although this cannot be documented. In March approximately 1,000 troops pf this Brigade (2 battalions) left Zagreb and moved to the Brinje area in North Dalmatia where the Brigade became a component of the 11th Croatian Infantry Division. On arrival in the Brinje area, it took into its composition all Ustasha formations located in Senj, Kraljevica, Crikvenica, Novi and those on the islands of Krk, Cres and Lošinj. Brigade HQ was eventually located in Sušak, a suburb on the south side of Rijeka. (1)
Operational History
13 Mar 45: Brigade HQ in Kraljevica and deployed along the line Senj – Sušak.
13 Apr 45: III Assault Bn. destroyed in heavy fighting at Gospić.
29 Apr 45: Brigade withdrew toward Postumia (Podgrad) in Istria after the Rijeka area fell to Tito’s 4th Army JA. It is believed to have dissolved over the next 10 days as the war came to an end.
Ust. Bojnik Jeronim Katić (? - May 1945) Mar 1945
Order of battle (15 Apr 1945)
Brigade HQ, headquarters elements and HQ Co. in Sušak
I Bn. (ex-Sušak Garrison Bn.) in the Senj area with 2d Co. on Krk
II Bn. in the Novi – Crikvenica area
III Assault Bn. on Pag Is.
IV Bn. (existence questionable)
VII Bn. (ex-Senj Ustasha Bn.) on Pag Is.
1. [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata I podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda. Tom XI/4, p.318; NARA WashDC: RG 331 (roll 447-B).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -