XV Ustasha Brigade (XV. Stajači Djelatni Sdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV

Formed 20 November 1944 with HQ in Zabok/25 km N of Zagreb by reorganizing and renaming V, VI and VII Bns. of Ustasha Garrison Brigade Zagreb. (1)

Operational History


1 Dec 44: incorporated into the new 2d Croatian Infantry Division (HQ in Zagreb). Brigade was responsible for protecting the Croatian towns in the Zagorje region north of Zagreb, which was relatively quiet compared to other area in the country.


(see 2d Croatian Infantry Division for additional information).
Jan – Apr 45: occasional skirmishes with small Partisan formations, but little activity beyond that.
29 Apr 45: Brigade disbanded and its assets used to form the new 26th Infantry Regiment.




I Territorial Corps (20 Nov 1944 - 30 Nov 1944)

Order of battle (1 Dec 1944 and 19 Apr 1945)

Brigade HQ and headquarters elements and HQ Co. in Zabok
I Bn. (ex-V Bn./Ustasha Garrison Brigade Zagreb) in D. Bistrica – Zlatar Bistrica – Breznički Hum
II Bn. (ex-VI Bn./Ustasha Garrison Brigade Zagreb) in Krapinski Toplice – Zabok – D. Stubica
III Bn. (ex-VII Bn./Ustasha Garrison Brigade Zagreb) in Pregrada – Desinić – Vinagora
IV Bn. in D. Stubica (this Bn. was added shortly after 1 Dec 44).


1. Colić 1976, p.1050; Colić 1979, p.160; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata I podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda. Tom V/37, pp.737-42; V/39, pp.668-71; [Institut za historiju radničkog pokreta] -Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi I socijalističkoj revoluciji (Varaždin, 1976), p.89; NARA WashDC: RG 226 (OSS intelligence report No. 109636); RG 331 (roll 447-B).

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -