X Ustasha Brigade
- Details
- Published: 28 January 2013 28 January 2013
- Last Updated: 02 February 2013 02 February 2013
X Ustasha Brigade (X. Stajači Djelatni Sdrug)
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed July - August 1944 with HQ in Zagreb by renaming the I Traffic Control Brigade of the Ustasha Militia (I. Prometna zdrug ustaška vojnica). (1)
Operational History
Aug – Nov 44: Brigade continued the duties of I Traffic Control Brigade, namely providing supervisory control over the railroad system within Croatia from Zemun to Zagreb, Zagreb to Banja Luka, and Zagreb to Varaždin and Bjelovar by inspecting passengers and freight and by providing armed guards aboard the trains.
1 Dec 44: Brigade assigned to the new 6th Croatian Infantry Division (Div. HQ in Banja Luka). By this date the Brigade had lost three of its 6 battalions and gained one. The fate of II Bn., last identified in Bjelovar, has not been traced. The III Bn. had been lost in the fighting around Zemun in October while VI Bn. had been taken away and its personnel assigned to other formations. Although reduced to the strength of a weak regiment, X Ustasha Brigade was evaluated as having high morale and good armament, particularly in respect to heavy infantry weapons.
(see 6th Croatian Infantry Division for additional information).
29 Jan 45: V Bn. in action at Buševec, a short distance from Turopolje.
Feb – May 45: locations and activity are the same as those for 6th Croatian Infantry Division.
Ust. Dopukovnik Petar Dujić (Duić) (? - May 1945?) Feb 1945
I Territorial Corps (Aug 1944 - 30 Nov 1944)
Order of battle (1 Sep 1944)
Brigade HQ and headquarters elements and HQ Co. in Zagreb
I Bn. in Zagreb later in Vukovar
II Bn. (formerly XXXVII Ustasha Bn.) in Bjelovar
III Bn. in Zemun
IV Bn. in Banja Luka
V Bn. in Turopolje
VI Bn. in Ivanić-Grad
Estimated Brigade strength: 3,500.
Order of battle (1 Dec 1944)
Brigade HQ and headquarters elements and HQ Co. in either Zagreb or Banja Luka
I Bn. (not located)
IV Bn. in Banja Luka
V Bn. in Turopolje and Sv. Klara (guarding the “Olex” oil refinery there)
Ustasha Garrison Bn. Kotor Varoš
Estimated Brigade strength: 2,000.
1. Arhiv VII Beograd, kut. 134a, reg.br. 4/1; Colić 1979, p.160; [Vojnoistorijski institute] - Zbornik dokumenata I podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu jugoslovenskih naroda.Tom IV/29, p.260; IV/30, p.650; IV/31, p.824; V/31, p.527; V/38, p.14; [Institut za historiju radničkog pokreta] - Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska u narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi I socijalističkoj revoluciji (Varaždin, 1976), p.89; NARA WashDC: RG 226 (OSS intelligence report No. 110433); RG 331 (roll 447-B).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -