The Panzer-Kompanie (Fkl) 313 was formed in January 1943 and equipped with Panzer III as control tanks.
It was attached to II.Abt/schweres Panzerjäger-Regiment 656 during the battle of Kursk. In December 1943 it was assigned to schwere Panzer-Abteilung 508 as its third company and equipped with Tigers as control tanks.

The "(Fkl)" in the name was for "Funklenk", a reference to the radio-controlled demolition vehicles used.

Sources used

Markus Jaugitz - Die Deutsche Fernlenktruppe (2 vol)
Thomas L. Jentz - Funklenk Panzertruppen (in AFV NEWS, Sept-Dec. 1986, Volume 21, No.3)
Thomas L. Jentz - Panzertruppen (2 vol)
Ron Klages - Trail of the Tigers
Kjell Svensson - Tyska radiostyrda pansarfordon (in Pansar #4/1997)

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -